[one-users] WG: Problem with (live)migration

Harder, Stefan Stefan.Harder at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Thu Feb 25 07:01:39 PST 2010

I have some additions to my last Email:

I have two machines "brandy" on which the cloud manager is installed and
"vodka" the cluster node. I created a vnet and then the ttylinux example and
it worked after some try and error.

For testing the migration functionality I wanted to add the brandy machine
also as cluster node with

oneadmin at brandy:/srv/cloud$ onehost create brandy im_kvm vmm_kvm tm_nfs

After a while onehost list shows:

  ID NAME                      RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM STAT
   6 vodka                       1    400    398    398 8189944 7667316   on
   7 brandy                      0    400    400    400       0 7859184   on

Without the TMEM info. And migration to this host doesn’t work as mentioned
in my first email. If I delete the vodka machine from the hosts and want to
deploy a vm on brandy it doesn’t work, the vm stays in pend status. If I
deploy a vm on brandy without OpenNebula only with virsh it works. So I
think something went wrong creating the host brandy. But what?

Any guesses?



> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Harder, Stefan
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010 10:40
> An: 'users at lists.opennebula.org'
> Betreff: Problem with (live)migration
> Hi,
> I get the following error when I try to migrate or livemigrate a
> running VM (in this case the ttylinux example) from one host to
> another. They have a shared FS which is under /srv/cloud.
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:56 2010 [DiM][D]: Live-migrating VM 50
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:57 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 50 Command
> execution fail: virsh --connect qemu:///system migrate --live one-50
> qemu+ssh://brandy/session
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:57 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 50 STDERR
> follows.
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:57 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 50
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/open3.rb:67: warning: Insecure world writable dir
> /srv/cloud/one in PATH, mode 040777
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:57 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 50
> Connecting to uri: qemu:///system
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:57 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 50 error:
> operation failed: domain with the same name or UUID already exists as
> 'one-50'
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:57 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG - 50 ExitCode:
> 1
> Thu Feb 25 10:34:57 2010 [VMM][D]: Message received: MIGRATE FAILURE 50
> -
> Does somebody know why the domain already eyists?
> Best Regards,
> Stefan
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