[one-users] SOA on Opennebula

digvijay singh shaktawat digvijaysinghshaktawat at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 04:29:15 PST 2010

      I am working on Opennebula as a part of my undergraduate thesis.
      I wanted to inquire that opennebula (although i know it is an
IaaS), can it be used to cloud based develop application. My project
mentor wants us to design a cloud based application which would
compose various services.
     He wanted that application would be intelligent enough to auto
scale when service load increases. He is kind of inspired by Grid
architecture and SOA model.
     Can such kind of developmental work be done on Opennebula, if not
which cloud would be appropriate.
     Does IBM have good products related.
     I have gone through a lot of papers which talk about designing of
cloud applications, but none of them talk about the platform or tool
chain where it can be build.

    Everything above is based on my simple understanding which can be
incorrect. If i have mentioned anything incorrectly, it shall be an
honor to learn and correct myself.

-Digvijay Singh

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