[one-users] Problem with KVM when execute VM

sergio garcia escriche sergei.garcia at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 04:03:58 PST 2010


I have a problem when i try execute a windows template in KVM. In vm.log
display this message:

 Error deploying virtual machine: Domain id not found in virsh --connect
qemu:///system create output. Then i see in phisical node with virsh -c
qem:///system list and display this:
virsh # list
 Id Nombre               Estado
  2 one-              ejecutando

When I shutdown the vm with onevm shutdown in front end is shutdown but in
cluster node it isn't shutdown.

This is my template:

# VM definition example

NAME = winxp

CPU    = 0.50
MEMORY = 512

# --- kernel & boot device ---

OS = [ boot = "hd" ]

FEATURES = [ acpi = "no" ]

# --- 1 disks ---

DISK = [
  source   = "/srv/cloud/images/win.img",
  target   = "hda",
  clone    = "no" ]

# --- 1 NIC ---

NIC = [ network="Public"]

# --- VNC server ---

GRAPHICS = [ type = "vnc", listen  = "", port = "5902", keymap="es"]

Thank you very much,

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