[one-users] Haizea on CentOS 5

Borja Sotomayor borja at borjanet.com
Mon Sep 14 07:24:35 PDT 2009

Hi Sander,

> Can I address you through this list, or do I need to subscribe to the Haizea
> list directly?

Since a lot of people on this list don't use Haizea, it would be
preferable if you sent this question to the Haizea list, so as not to
clutter the OpenNebula mailing list. Nonetheless, since you've already
asked the question, I'll go ahead and answer it :-) I'm CC'ing the
Haizea mailing list too.

> Haizea needs python 2.5, but RHEL 5 comes with python 2.4. Since LCG will
> move to SL5 (a derivative from
> RHEL) it would be really useful to make Haizea build with python 2.4. Or
> even better, provide some RPMs for it. Is that doable?

It's doable (the Python 2.5 requirement was added because of only a
few features found in 2.5 and not in 2.4; I'd have to look up what
these were, though, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything major), but
unfortunately not something that would currently place very high on my
TODO list. Do you need this right away?

> I've tried to compile it (ignoring the 2.5 requirement), but it stops just
> before:
> "running install_egg_info"
> Although I'm not sure that is fatal, the test command fails as well:

The test command is failing because it is not finding the Haizea
packages. This could be because the installation failed (although if
you've gotten as far as "running install_egg_info", it might have been
successful; it could simply be that the Python 2.4 distutils don't
perform the install_egg_info step) or because the Haizea packages are
not in your PYTHONPATH. If you're installing Haizea into a
non-standard path, make sure you set this environment variable
accordingly. Judging by your paste, it looks like you installed it in
/opt/haizea. In that case, you would have to run:

export PYTHONPATH=/opt/haizea/lib/python


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