[one-users] Opennebula with Java API

Ruben S. Montero rubensm at dacya.ucm.es
Thu Oct 8 00:42:51 PDT 2009


As it was pointed by Tino the Java API that you are using is not
updated. It was developed to better integrate OpenNebula with Nimbus.
However, it is using an old version of the openNebula XML RPC.

Now, with version 1.4beta we have extended the interface and so some
functions like allHostIds are directly provided by the XML-RPC interface.

I do not know the state of your project, but I see two options:

* You can update the JAVA libraries. Although including new bindings
to the OpenNebula interface is definitively in our roadmap, we can not
commit resources to do this in the 1.4 time frame. We are willing to
help you to update the library, though.

* You can use the Ruby libraries [1] that are totally update and
supported. This would mean using other graphical library for your
interface. In this case we can also help you in using the Ruby



[1] http://opennebula.org/doc/oca/

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Tino Vazquez <tinova at fdi.ucm.es> wrote:
> Hi there,
> The OpenNebula Java API is an external component developed by William
> Voorsluys. We recommend to use the native interfaces supported by the
> 1.4 version of OpenNebula: OpenNebula Cloud API (OCA) [1], EC2 Query
> [2] or OCCI [3].
> Regards,
> -Tino
> [1] http://opennebula.org/doc/oca/
> [2] http://opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.4:ec2qug
> [3] http://opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.4:occidd
> --
> Constantino Vázquez, Grid Technology Engineer/Researcher:
> http://www.dsa-research.org/tinova
> DSA Research Group: http://dsa-research.org
> Globus GridWay Metascheduler: http://www.GridWay.org
> OpenNebula Virtual Infrastructure Engine: http://www.OpenNebula.org
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:57 AM, 顏維昱 <weiyu.yen at twgrid.org> wrote:
>> Dear all:
>> Recently I use Java language to build a GUI interface of Opennebula to
>> meet our managerial requirement. At first, I download the Opennebula
>> Java API 1.0 from
>> http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/nimbus-integration/wiki
>> <http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/nimbus-integration/wiki%20> .
>> However, some important functions such as allHostsIds, allVmUds are not
>> supported by opennebula 1.2. So I update my opennebula to version 1.4,
>> but now the Java API is not applicable to it. Does anyone have new
>> version of Opennebula Java API or know how to deal with this problem?
>> cheers
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 Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
 Associate Professor
 Distributed System Architecture Group (http://dsa-research.org)

 URL:    http://dsa-research.org/doku.php?id=people:ruben
 Weblog: http://blog.dsa-research.org/?author=7

 GridWay, http://www.gridway.org
 OpenNebula, http://www.opennebula.org

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