[one-users] VERY weird SSH problems

Sven Oostenbrink sven at kionetworks.com
Fri May 29 15:51:58 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I've been doing quite a bit of testing with opennebula so far, and I have to
say, good job! We're working on implementing open nebula in our data center.

So far, I have had one very weird and anoying problem that makes opennebula
barely operable, I hope people here can help me fix it. ONE uses SSH to
transfer images to the nodes and to monitor the nodes. the problem here is
that SSH starts messing up. First time you login, you have to say "yes" to
the RSA verification. Then the host gets stored in the .ssh/knownhosts file.
so far so good. Then I add a physical machine, and some  5-10 seconds later,
the known_host file has changed! it suddenly no longer contains the entry I
just added

Result is that when adding a VM, it fails because one gets stuck in the
interactive remote host verification. I already revised this problem
extensively, and I am sure its related somehow to ONE, since it only happens
when adding physical hosts or virtual machines.

I have tried everything to solve this problem, even after adding the host in
known_hosts, and chown root:root, chmod 444 the file... 5 - 10 seconds
later, the original has returned again, even with the onehost:nobody
security setting..


I "solved" the problem for the moment with writing a script that will run in
a separate shell. first access the server, allowing me to say "yes" to the
remote host verification, then it imediately copies the known_hosts file,
and on a 50mSec interval, copies this same file back to .ssh/known_hosts.
This way, if the file gets changed, a few miliseconds later its restored
again. This is far from ideal, and still gives me quite a few problems with
ONE running into the interactive question (and thus failing the operations
like adding a new virtual machine) work it at least allows me to do some

I found the same problem to occur in the authorized_keys file as well, which
even more so is driving me crazy.

Could somebody, anybody, please help me to try to solve this very weird
thing? I really am out of ideas here. AFAIK, no program should replace the
.ssh/* files, but it gets replaced here anyway!

If anybody has an idea, please let me know! I am located in Mexico City, and
during office hours, I am also available on IRC in the #opennebula channel
on freenode.net.

Thanks lots for a great product and great support so far



Sven Oostenbrink
Administrador LINUX Torre UNIX/Q, KIO Networks

NOC:  01-800-5 CALL-KIO


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