[one-users] Xen onevm - please give more information

Javier Fontan jfontan at fdi.ucm.es
Fri Jan 16 08:41:21 PST 2009


On Jan 15, 2009, at 4:31 PM, marimuthu.balasubramanian at wipro.com wrote:

> Thanks for your valuable input. I found the reason. The front end
> machine(wipro-desktop) requires ssh (without password) by itself to  
> copy
> the image from front end to node. Now onevm command is working. It is
> running another virtual machine in the node1. But we are unable to  
> open
> console for the newly created virtual machine. Do you have any idea?
> The error message is "console is not configured". We are using  
> openSUSE
> 11 as OS.

Nice that you have found the problem. By the way, what version of one  
are you using? That kind of errors should be written to the log file.

How do you get the "console is not configured" message?

> I request you to give some more inputs to explore the openNEbula case
> study 4. (http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:uc4)
> We have four machines
> 1. First machine openNEbula installed on ubuntu OS.  - "Front end"
> 2. Second machine web server installed as "load balancer" on openSUSE
> OS.
> Note: Is it mandatory to monitor "load balancer" machine using
> openNEbula.
> We are planning to monitor only the nodes through openNEbula
> Can it be ok?

Opennebula is designed to manage just virtual infrastructure, that is  
physical machines that can run VM's and the VM's running on those  
physical nodes. If you add your load balancer machine as a physical  
node to one it will try to deploy VM's on that machine and will fail.  
I suggest you to find a monitoring software for that.

> 3. Third machine(node1 on openSUSE OS with Xen):
> 4. Fourth machine(node2 on openSUSE OS with Xen):
> We are planning to follow below steps to create VM image
> Separate machine (openSUSE OS with Xen).
> 1. Install web server and sample web application
> 2. Create VM  image for the virtual machine.
> 3. Transfer VM image through ftp to "Front end" machine. Here "Front
> end" machine is also used as a image repository.
> First I will run the onehost,onevnet and onevm commands for node1. the
> openNEbula will transfer the VM image to node1 and run the new virtual
> machine.
> Onevm command gives the status of the virtual machine.
> Is their any way to test the status web server using openNEbula?

No, opennebula does only monitor physical nodes where to run VM's and  
those VM's.

> What are commands I have to use to clone the image from node1 to  
> node2?

I don't really understan the question. node1 and node2 are physical  
machines with xen installed. Do you want to replicate the  
configuration for node1 in node2? To add node 2 machine to one you  
have to run the same onehost command as for node1. SOmething like this:

$ onehost create node1 im_xen vm_xen tm_ssh
$ onehost create node2 im_xen vm_xen tm_ssh

> How can I test whether the request is going to node1 or node2 using
> openNEbula?

"onevm list" will show you the VM's that are running and where they are.

> What are the monitoring and management capabilities are available in  
> the
> openNEbula?

Monitoring capabilities of one are restricted to get information about  
key values for scheduler. If you want to extend the information it  
gathers form physical nodes there is more information in this document http://opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.2:img


Javier Fontan, Grid & Virtualization Technology Engineer/Researcher
DSA Research Group: http://dsa-research.org
Globus GridWay Metascheduler: http://www.GridWay.org
OpenNebula Virtual Infrastructure Engine: http://www.OpenNebula.org

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