[one-users] Need information

lalithamba.vishwanathaiah at wipro.com lalithamba.vishwanathaiah at wipro.com
Wed Jan 28 09:53:06 PST 2009

I need few clarifications regarding ONE CLI.
onehost delete <host_id>
Does onehost delete remove the host entry from the database and host pool as well?
My observation is that "onehost list" will not show the deleted host id, but table "host_pool" will still have the entry available.
Similarly does onevnet delete remove the virtual network entry from the database.  My observation is that this entry still persists in Virtual Network pool table.
Also does onevm delete remove Virtual machine entry from database ?
I added a new network template using onevnet create <template1> where template1 points to IP and MAC address of host 1 and it created a NID <0>
Next I again executed onevnet create <template2> where template 2 had IP and MAC address of host 2.  My observation was that it did not create a new NID, but it incremented NID <0> to NID <1>
onevnet list showed me only one record.
Pl clarify above queries.

Thanks and Regards,

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