[one-users] Xen onevm - please give more information

marimuthu.balasubramanian at wipro.com marimuthu.balasubramanian at wipro.com
Tue Jan 20 10:18:13 PST 2009


  We are able to successfully run the following commands

onehost create <ipaddress> im_xen vmm_xen tm_ssh
onevnet create <vnet template>
onevm create <vm template>

VM also successfully submitted and it transfers VM image. But some times onevm command fails 
the error is http 407 authentication failed (Proxy authentication required)

Note: we are setting http_proxy env. variable for software installtion purpose. whenever i got the above errot i used to nullify the same env. variable. after that it works fine. sometime onevm command works with http_proxy env. variable. so i am confused which is causing the above error

Could you please give me some tips to identify the solution for the above error

Our another issue is when we submit the VM using onevm command, the VM state is in ruuning stage. but the console of the vm machine is not opened in  the node machine. it says 
XENbus is not found

we are using openSUSE as the OS for the node. i have attached the template used for the onevm command. let me know whether the template is right. How we can make sure the template is right?

Wipro Technologies

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