[one-users] Xen onevm - please give more information

marimuthu.balasubramanian at wipro.com marimuthu.balasubramanian at wipro.com
Wed Jan 7 06:59:57 PST 2009

Hi Ruben,
I am a newbie to Cloud Computing and OpenNebula.
We are trying to configure opennebula as below but we are stuck up at onevm command.
Following are the steps we have executed.
1.  Machine 1 (Front-end) at ip This has  Open Nebula installed on Ubuntu OS. The machine is NFS server.
2.  Machine 2 (node) at ip : This has Xen installed on Open Suse 11 (OS).  
We have started Machine 2 in Xen Mode and we have created a virtual machine (domU) on the same machine.  We have 2 VM's available - dom0 and domU
I have copied the disk image of domU (machine 2)  to Front-end machine folder (/home/wipro/vm-image).
As per transfer manager guide, I created a <VM_DIR> in machine 2.
I have shared $ONE_LOCATION/var directory of Frontend to the node and its mounted  to <VM_DIR> of node.
Added <VM_DIR> entry in oned.conf.
>From front-end machine executed the commands as follows :
1. onehost create im_xen vmm_xen tm_ssh
2. onehost list :
root at wipro-desktop:/opt/nebula/var <mailto:root at wipro-desktop:/opt/nebula/var> # onehost list
 HID NAME                      RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM STAT
  13               0             0    100                   on
We are not sure why is RVM and TCPU showing 0 ? Pl give your inputs.
3. The VM network template is as follows : 
NAME="Public VLAN"
4.  Submitted the above template as  :  onevnet create <Template name>
5.  onevnet list :
  3 Public VLAN      Fixed   eth0
6.  onevnet show "Public VLAN"  :
NID               : 3
UID               : 0
Network Name      : Public VLAN
Type              : Fixed
Bridge            : eth0
....: Template :....
        NAME=Public VLAN
....: Leases :....
IP =  MAC = 00:03:0d:ad:d4:76  USED = 0 VID = -1
7.  The VM Template details are :
NAME    = nodevm
CPU      = 0.5
MEMORY   = 128
OS       = [kernel="/boot/vmlinuz-",initrd= "/boot/initrd-2.6.2
5.18-0.2.xen",root="sda4" ]
DISK     = [source="/home/wipro/vm-image/disk0",target="sda4",readonly="no"]
DISK    = [type="swap",size=1024,target="sdb"]
NIC     = [MAC = "00:03:0D:AD:D4:76",
           bridge = eth0"]
8.  Submitted VM Template as : onevm submit <template>
9.  root at wipro-desktop:/opt/nebula/var <mailto:root at wipro-desktop:/opt/nebula/var> # onevm list
  ID     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
  33   nodevm pend   0       0                 00 00:39:51
We are not sure why the status is in the Pending state ?  
We followed the details provided in http://trac.opennebula.org/ticket/54 <http://blr-sjp-mbx01.wipro.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://trac.opennebula.org/ticket/54>  but still shows pending status.
Can you pl provide inputs on why we are getting pending status ?  
Are we doing any thing wrong ?
Wipro Technologies


From: users-bounces at lists.opennebula.org on behalf of Carlos Bernal
Sent: Wed 1/7/2009 6:39 PM
To: users at lists.opennebula.org
Subject: Re: [one-users] Xen images with pygrub

Ruben S. Montero escribió:
> Hi,
>       This feature has been implemented, changes are in the trunk. You can safely
> apply the patch from the changeset (http://trac.opennebula.org/changeset/295)
> to the beta1 source tree. If you give it a try let us know if it worked for
> you. We've also updated the documentation, take a look at:
> http://www.opennebula.org/doku.php?id=documentation:rel1.2:ug#os_and_boot_options_section
> Cheers
> Ruben

Thank you!

I'll try it as soon as possible.

Carlos Bernal Tijerín
Centro Informático Científico de Andalucía (CICA)
Avda.Reina Mercedes, s/n 41012 - Sevilla (España)
Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa
Junta de Andalucía

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