[one-users] some questions

jvp1 at alu.upct.es jvp1 at alu.upct.es
Mon Sep 29 03:58:04 PDT 2008

Hi again. I'm trying some things to try to get work vm. I've seen RAW
parameter, so i made some changes again:

NAME   = sles10
CPU    = 0.5
MEMORY = 128

RAW     = [
  type  = 'xen',
  data = 'builder="linux"

OS     = [
  kernel   = "/boot/vmlinuz-xenpae",
  initrd   = "/boot/initrd-xenpae",
  root     = "xvda2"

DISK   = [
  source   = "/opt/nebula/images/sles10.img",
  target   = "xvda",
  readonly = "no"

DISK   = [
  type     = "cdrom",
  source   = "/opt/nebula/images/sles10.iso",
  target   = "xvdb",
  readonly = "yes"

NIC    = [
  mac     = "00:16:3e:58:82:3a",
  bridge  = "eth0"

  type    = "vnc",
  listen  = "",
  port    = "5900"

the problem is that you are using the character "," to split or to do
somethings, so when one try to translate the file, does not obtain the
line bootargs="--entry=xvda2:/boot/vmlinuz-xenpae,/boot/vmlinuz-xenpae",
instead of that it only gets: bootargs='--entry=xvda2:/boot/vmlinuz-xenpae

Is there any scape character to use "," character? Thanks in advance.

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