[one-users] VM holds on "boot" state

Giuseppe Doddis gddoddis at unime.it
Thu Jul 24 07:18:29 PDT 2008

Hi everybody,
I have installed last release of OpenNebula (1.0) downloaded with
When I submit a VM with onevm command, the VMs keep on the boot state, but
on the host the "xm list" command tells that VM is running and the "xm
console" command works fine.

"onevm list" output on ONE host:

oneadmin at phoenix:~/one_1.0$ onevm list
  ID     NAME STAT CPU     MEM        HOSTNAME        TIME
   3    xen-1 boot   0       0 pegasus.rvnebul 00 01:34:37
   4 xen-trac boot   0       0 dragone.rvnebul 00 01:34:30
   5    xen-4 boot   0       0 pegasus.rvnebul 00 01:34:25
   6    xen-5 boot   0       0 pegasus.rvnebul 00 01:34:22

"onehost list" output:

oneadmin at phoenix:~/one_1.0$ onehost list
 HID NAME                      RVM   TCPU   FCPU   ACPU    TMEM    FMEM STAT
   1 dragone.rvnebula            1    200    199    140 1046528  393216   on
   2 pegasus.rvnebula            3    200    199     20 1046528    1024   on

"xm list" output on xen host:

pegasus:~# xm list
Name                                      ID   Mem VCPUs      State
Domain-0                                   0   608     2     r-----   5423.9
one-3                                      5   128     1     -b----   2004.1
one-5                                      6   128     1     -b----     43.5
one-6                                      7   128     1     -b----      4.5

What's the problem?
Giuseppe Doddis.

P.S: Sorry for my poor English.

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