[one-ecosystem] Custom monitoring attributes in VM TEMPLATE

Simon Boulet simon at nostalgeek.com
Wed Apr 24 07:24:10 PDT 2013


Custom monitoring attributes (extra attributes returned by the IM MONITOR
or VMM POLL) are currently being added under the TEMPLATE section of the VM
definition (from vm/VirtualMachine.cc:3165)

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I am seeing the TEMPLATE section a block that
containt the "static" definition of the VM (number of CPU, maximum memory,
attached NICs, Disks, etc.). Ex. one could cache the information found in
the TEMPLATE section on their frontend for a certain period of time. And it
starts to make even more sense now that we have a USER_TEMPLATE section
(since OpenNebula 4.0).

Also errors are added under the TEMPLATE section.

Wouldn't it make more sense if the custom monitoring attributes (and
errors) were being reported directly under the VM section (just like the
other monitoring attributes NETRX, NETTX, etc. are being reported).

PS. Not sure if the ecosystem list is the right place for this. In the past
I used the users list as well as the bug tracker to submit technical
questions and discussions. And I find it difficult to be informed, sharing
the vision and debating some implementations of upcoming features in

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