[one-users] New OpenNebula release process

Carlos Martín Sánchez cmartin at opennebula.org
Wed Nov 16 03:45:10 PST 2011

Dear community,

We have posted in our blog the announcement of the new release process for
the upcoming OpenNebula versions [1].

The release plan for OpenNebula 3.2 is:

   - OpenNebula 3.2 Final will be released on December 20th. The
   blue-prints for this release can be found at the development portal [2].
   - OpenNebula 3.2 will have a pre-release available by November 18th.
   This release incorporates the features developed during the first two

We’ll make our debut with this new process with an OpenNebula 3.2
pre-release this Friday, stay tuned for release notes and download


[1] http://blog.opennebula.org/?p=2159
[2] http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/issues?query_id=18
Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Data Center Virtualization
www.OpenNebula.org | cmartin at opennebula.org |
@OpenNebula<http://twitter.com/opennebula><cmartin at opennebula.org>
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