[one-users] CDROM doesn't mount for KVM virts?

Whiffen, Richard Richard_Whiffen at cable.comcast.com
Thu Apr 21 00:25:30 PDT 2011

Ok, with the 'restart trick' that Héctor provided I was able to narrow down my problem.
If the XML says this:
                 <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
                        <source file='/srv/cloud/one/var/58/images/disk.1'/>
                        <target dev='hdb'/>
                        <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>

It doesn't work.  But if I change it to device='disk' it works correctly.
                 <disk type='file' device='disk'>
                        <source file='/srv/cloud/one/var/58/images/disk.1'/>
                        <target dev='hdb'/>
                        <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>

Is there a way I can change the script or ruby code that sets that value to device='cdrom' so it will be device=disk instead?  I still have to get to the bottom of why cdrom doesn't work for me.
libvirt-0.6.3-33.el5 and qemu-0.10.5-1.el5.2 if anyone has any ideas.


Rich Whiffen
richard_whiffen at cable.comcast.com<applewebdata://BC215736-71C2-46D5-8255-FA734AFE6DFC/richard_whiffen@cable.comcast.com>
AIM: richwhiffen
Yahoo: richwhiffen
Phone: 202-449-1312

From: Rich Whiffen <richard_whiffen at cable.comcast.com<mailto:richard_whiffen at cable.comcast.com>>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 16:46:57 -0400
To: "users at lists.opennebula.org<mailto:users at lists.opennebula.org>" <users at lists.opennebula.org<mailto:users at lists.opennebula.org>>
Subject: CDROM doesn't mount for KVM virts?

I'm making pretty good strides at understanding OpenNebula, but it seems the more a learn, the more I discover I don't understand.  Here's the next area I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction again.  The context cdrom device is never getting mounted on my virts, so things like the hostname are never being set.  I can see it's defined:

root     11229     1  6 16:02 ?        00:00:42 /usr/bin/kvm -S -M rhel5.4.0 -m 32768 -smp 4 -name one-58 -uuid 4bae869f-3e93-1e4a-0224-2c01cf4610fd -no-kvm-pit-reinjection -monitor pty -pidfile /var/run/libvirt/qemu//one-58.pid -no-acpi -boot c -drive file=/srv/cloud/one/var/58/images/disk.0,if=ide,index=0,boot=on,format=qcow2 -drive file=/srv/cloud/one/var/58/images/disk.1,if=ide,media=cdrom,index=1,format=raw -net nic,macaddr=02:00:c0:a8:a8:02,vlan=0 -net tap,fd=18,script=,vlan=0,ifname=vnet1 -serial none -parallel none -usb -vnc localhost:58

-drive file=/srv/cloud/one/var/58/images/disk.1,if=ide,media=cdrom,index=1,format=raw

The deploy.0 says:

                 <disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
                        <source file='/srv/cloud/one/var/58/images/disk.1'/>
                        <target dev='hdb'/>
                        <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>

I also see this device being created in the oned log but /dev/sdb doesn't show up as a device on the machine via fdisk or other methods.   So there's something off about either my virts or the disk definition in the deploy.0.  Not sure how to troubleshoot this.    One thing that would be helpful to me, would be a way to manually envoke a virt the same way oned does.  How can I run the one/vmm/kvm/deploy commands by hand so I could kill and relauch the kvm processes?  (It's a pain to wait for the control box to SCP the 60gb disk.0 file).


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