[one-users] sunstone error

Carlos A. caralla at upv.es
Wed Apr 20 02:37:34 PDT 2011

If you have already installed rackup (which I assume), please adjust the 

I modified the $ONE_LOCATION/bin/sunstone-server file by including the 
following line at the beginning:

export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin

El 20/04/11 11:32, Sebastian Neg escribió:
> I installed Opennebula 2.2 on Ubuntu 10.04
> i trued to install sunstone:
> $ /home/cloud/one/bin/sunstone-server start
> Stale .lock detected. Erasing it.
> sunstone-server started
> but i can not start the cloud operation center
> my log file is: "sunstone.log"
> /home/esprit/one/bin/sunstone-server: line 70: rackup: command not found
> any idea??
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Carlos de Alfonso Laguna
Ingeniero de I+D
Tel. +34 963877007, ext. 88254
mailto: caralla at upv.es

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