[one-users] Storage Recommendations - Looking for thoughts / experiences for storage concept ...

Balg, Andreas a.balg at xincs.eu
Mon Aug 9 04:26:56 PDT 2010

Hello everybody,

We think about setting up a one controlled virtualization cluster. What I'd like
to know is whet you'd suggest as flexible and reasonable storag that performs well.

Our Hardware already exists  - we'd like to start over with a bunch of 10 Del R610
Servers all of them are currently equipped with 4 x 146Gb/15krpm/s SAS Disks using a 
local RAID Controller.

Currently we'd prefer not to have to buy an additional SAN or iSCSI-Storage. 

What would be a good option in your opinion to have performance, some fault-tolerance and live-migration for the Vm's - In general do you prefer Xen or KVM VMs - and why perfer one over the other? 

Is anybody using glusterfs locally on the nodes to share stuff, any similar recommendations or experiences with a setup of this kind?

Many many questions I know, but I'd just like to hear about your thougts and experiences with this kind of stuff.

Thank you in advance for every reply,


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