[one-users] Feedback on Listing at teachingopensource.org

Borja Sotomayor borja at borjanet.com
Fri Apr 24 08:27:35 PDT 2009


>> Your Ideas list is a bit light on skillsets required, e.g. programming
>> languages, development tools (e.g. we use Subversion). Other links to
>> documentation and other resources would be great; I see some listed for some
>> ideas but not for others. Maybe these resources don't exist since you are a
>> young project. If that's the case, would it be worth listing creating such
>> resources on your site?
> We actually have a fair amount of documentation, so linking to it
> won't be a problem. We'll comb through the ideas list (soon) to add
> the skillsets required for each project.

I've edited the OpenNebula page to address some of these issues:


I've also changed the page from being a "GSoC ideas page" to a more
generic "Project Ideas for Students". The individual project ideas are
still a bit light on links to documentation, but I will ask each
mentor to fix this in their proposals.


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